Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brain Fart #1

*Disclaimer: Many lines are just random. Be on the look out for anything confusing because they're just things running through my head right now...

I gotta finish that essay...
The sun is pretty today...
I miss Seattle...
God, it's almost over...
Wait, what's that...
I need time to study...
Here we go, another year...
I don't expect perfection...
Maybe I should watch that show...
No, gotta work on this first...
Oh cool! New song...
I really don't like this...
Why am I doing this again...
Gotta loosin' up...
I wanna go to Rio...
No time to party...
Now that doesn't make any sense...
What am I trying to say...
Now I forgot...
Damn it...
I feel so lazy...
Gotta get to work...
The maple syrup is getting dry...
I'm cold...
Too many things on my mind...
Did I forget something...
That essay...
Why me...
Hey, what's that...

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