Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Gift and A Curse

*Disclaimer: This poem was written during the summer of 2013.

The Dog  
was walking back home  
holding three sacks of gold coins  
to buy herself
a new toy or something pretty

Along the way
She encounters a hairy pig
Who was crying.
When their eyes met,
The hairy pig pleads,
“Please lend me a sack of coins!
I need them for my wife’s health!”
Feeling sympathy,
She gave the pig her first sack
The pig smiles and scurries away  

Before she moved on,
She meet a dainty mouse
Who looks down  
as if someone ruined her day
The mouse asks kindly,
“Can you please lend me a sack of coins?
I need them to buy books for school!”
Wanting to help,
The dog gives the mouse her sack
The mouse snickers and runs off

With only one sack left,
She encounters a jittery snake  
with eyes as wide  
as Chinese dragon’s eyes.  
He hissed nervously,
“Please lend me a sack!
I need them to buy fresh bread.”
Avoiding the word “no”,
The dog gives the snake her last sack.
The snake grins and undulates away

Sighing happily,
The dog heads to the village    
As she reaches home,
She sees familiar faces…

The swine, now drooling,
Uses his sack to be 
with exotic cats.   
The rat, now wicked,  
uses her sack to win  
more gold coins.
The viper,
blending in the dark alley,  
uses his sack  
on a different sack
Filled with white powder

Bewildered by the scene,
the dog wonders, 
“Did I do a good deed?”

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